Early Childhood Education

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Be Like Jesus Companion

Developing a Giving child

What a blessing we receive when we give to someone else. Teaching young children to think of others before themselves is an important lesson for them to learn. Being compassionate towards others will help them to be more like Christ.

Bible Verses:

Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you.

I John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

God’s Gifts — Pre-K

This unit focuses on God’s love and care for each of us, demonstrated by the gifts or talents He has given us. He gives us
these gifts/talents so we can work for Him as well.

Giving — Birth-3

Is it possible to communicate the gospel on a toddlers level? Can toddlers even understand the gospel? These are questions that have been pondered and studied by many children’s experts. According to surveys over 50 percent of Christians chose to follow Christ between the ages of 5 and 9. The years before the ‘5-9 window’ are vitally important to the spiritual path of our children. One of the ways of teaching the Gospel to toddlers is to teach the joy of giving.

Bible Stories

Read John 13:1-17. Share how even Jesus served others. Disucss how no matter our status or position we can serve others.
Read Acts 3:1-12. Share how Peter and John healed the lame man. Discuss how healing is a form of serving others.
Read Mark 12:41-44. Share how the widow gave all she had. Discuss how giving from the heart and as a sacrifice is pleasing to God.

Body text

The Poor Widow's Offering — Pre-K

We worship God when we give cheerully

God' Rainbow Promise — Pre-K

We thank God for His promises.

A Little Boy Shares — Pre-K

Friends share with others.

Breakfast With Jesus — Pre-K

We help others because we want to be like Jesus.

Breakfast by the Sea — Birth-3

We are kind to our friends.

Loaves and Fishes — Birth-3

Feel confident that God cares how they feel. Respond by sharing with those who are hungry.

The great work of parents and teachers working together is character building—seeking to restore the image of Christ in those placed under their care. All true education may be made to help in the development of a righteous character. The formation of character is the work of a lifetime, and it is for eternity. ~ Ellen G. White, Counsel to Parents, Teachers and Students, page 61

As a family, engage in a service project such as cleaning a local park or neighborhood, feeding the homeless, hosting a “Story Hour” at a local Children’s hospital or shelter, or making Thanksgiving baskets.

Look for ways to help a neighbor—cut the grass, plant flowers, wash their car, rake leaves, bake a cake, etc.

Make cards/crafts or care packages and send them to military personnel who are deployed or to those who are sick and shut-in.

Giving, Shirley Hughes

Mama Panya’s Pancakes, Mary Chamberlin

Dorcas, Gospel Light Production

Songs:  Love Is Something If You Give It Away, Sharing Is Caring, Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam, Love Your Neighbor As Yourslef, Silver and Gold Have I None, Thank You For Giving to the Lord, Ray Boltz, Love Them Like Jesus, Casting Crowns

Family Connections

What a blessing we receive when we give to someone else. Teaching our children to think of others before self is an important lesson for them to learn. Being compassionate towards others will help them to be more like Christ.

BIG IDEA: Giving

Adventist History – Ellen G. White

Ellen was afraid. God had sent her a special dream and he wanted her to share it with the whole church. But she was scared to tell people about it. “What if they don’t believe me? I am just a little girl. I don’t want to get up front in church. I don’t want to talk to big crowds of people.” She told her mom, “No.” And she told her dad, “No.” But she knew it was important. God had given her this special dream. And she loved God. If he wanted her to talk to people, then she must do it. Finally, she agreed to tell her story. And she was happy she did. The people listened. They believed her story. And best of all – she was no longer afraid!